Our Fellowship Church site is making a lasting IMPRESSION!

Fellowship_Girls making staff B-day cards.jpg

When you walk into the Fellowship club site, located on Tillman Rd, you immediately feel the energy. Staff is creative and engaged, kids are excited, and parents are supportive and appreciative! The great relationship between parents and the Club makes a huge difference on the level of impact made on the kids.

Thanks to our partnership with Fellowship Church, this club site serves children and teens from the East Allen County Schools, including some children who are homeschooled. These kids recognize the importance of treating everyone with respect. They made cards to celebrate a staff member’s birthday, made a video in honor of MLK day, and were excited to receive their new Club shirts.

It is evident that the kids and staff enjoy being together, value one another, and the parents appreciate the opportunities the Club offers their kids. We are building GREAT FUTURES together!