Celebrating Black History


February is Black History Month, a time to remember, celebrate and pay tribute to the generations of African Americans who have made significant contributions to the history of the United States. Our Club members learned about some of these significant individuals and honored their accomplishments. 

Kids from 2 & 3rd grade made a bulletin board in honor of the outstanding achievements of African Americans.  The 6-8th graders each researched a prominent African American, found one identifying fact about their person, and then used this information to construct a trivia game.  Some kids read a book about Ruby Bridges, the first African-American to attend an all-white school, and shared what they learned and what it meant to them. Some focused on lesser known pioneers in black history, researched, wrote a short essay about each pioneer and a created mural. The 4th – 8th grade girls created a wall display in honor of Black History Month.

History is a valuable component to the education of our children as we appreciate all those who have paved the way for us.